Student Visa responsibilities

If you are coming to or remaining in the UK on a City's sponsored Student Visa, find your responsibilities listed here.

Your responsibilities as a sponsored Student Visa Holder

On this page you will find details of:

  • The responsibilities expected of you as a Student Visa Holder
  • Change of student circumstances
  • Academic engagement records

Download our responsibilities booklet to help you understanding and comply with the conditions of your Student Visa


Upload a copy of your current passport and valid visa/BRP card to the University's e:vision system.

For students at the University for more than one year must bring on an annual basis your original passport and valid visa/BRP card to the Student Centre or your School Office to have it verified by a relevant member of staff.

Contact details

Provide us with your UK contact details (address and mobile telephone number) and keep them up to date by noting any changes on your e:vision account.


Register for your programme on time each academic year.

Academic engagement

Academic engagement at lectures, seminars, tutorials and practical classes is an integral part of a Student's programme of study and students are expected to academically engage regularly.

UG and Postgraduate Students

Your engagement will be monitored by the University fortnightly  by your School.

Research Students

Your engagement will be monitored by the University on a monthly basis.

If concerns are raised regarding your engagement you will be required to attend a meeting with a suitable academic from your Department in which you will be required to explain your non-engagement and show that you are actively engaged with your course.

If you don't re-engage, a formal written warning letter will be issued outlining the conditions on which you can stay on the course.

Formal written warning letters will be issued by Visa Compliance team. Following this, if the concerns are upheld your case will be considered and if you are judged to not be actively engaging with your programme you will be withdrawn and University's sponsorship of your visa will cease.

This will normally lead to your visa being curtailed by the Home Office and you will be required to return to your home country.


Ensure that you notify the University of any absences (medical or personal). Failure to do so could lead to further action and possible withdrawal.

Change of circumstance

Follow University processes if you decide that you would like to defer or suspend your studies. Failure to do so could lead to further action and possible withdrawal.

Change of personal details

Inform the University (Student Centre) and the Home Office of any changes to your personal details or circumstances that may affect your visa status, including any changes to your name, gender, nationality, facial appearance and date of birth.

Change in student circumstances

City, University London is required by the Home Office to report any changes in your Student Visa status; this includes withdrawals, suspensions and early completions. The University is required to report all changes within 10 days of being notified of them and once these changes have been reported the Home Office may curtail (bring forward) the end date of the visa.

In the case of withdrawals and suspensions as a result of non-engagement with your course this would usually be a date within 60 days.

However, in the case of early completion you should be granted the same wrap up time as for your original course, ie. 4 months from the early completion date, even if your overall course length is as a result less than 12 months in duration.

When the Home Office curtails your visa, they will send you a notification email or letter with a new visa end date. Therefore, it is important to make sure your current address is updated with the Home Office. You can update your address or your legal representative's details with the Home Office online.

Request a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) for continuing students

Student Visa extensions can be provided for very specific cases.

As a continuing student you will be required to ensure that you are entitled to a visa extension and that you meet all the Student Visa requirements (as continuing students you will only need to meet the financial requirements*).

Please read all the sub-sections below to understand if you are eligible for the CAS extension. Please also ensure that you have spoken to the course office for your programme and/or your academic adviser regarding your academic eligibility and necessity of the extension.

Once you have confirmed your eligibility, please complete the CAS Request Form. Ensure that you complete all the relevant questions for your particular case before you submit it.

If you need advice or clarification before completing the form, and you can’t find the answer and need to speak to someone, login to Support@City using your student ID number and complete the short form to send your question or request to the relevant team.

If your request is approved, you will receive your CAS within 3 working days.

*If your course requires an ATAS certificate, you must have received the new one before you can request the extension.

Suspensions and Withdrawals

Once your suspension has been agreed by your School:

If you withdraw or are withdrawn from your course of study the University will make a report to the Home Office to state that you are no longer a current student, your leave will be shortened to 60 days after the date of the report and you will be expected to either leave the UK or to have made an application for leave to remain in the UK under another immigration category.

Please send the Visa Compliance Team ( a copy of your travel bookings, as well as your boarding card once you leave the UK or a copy of your new immigration category. If you decide to appeal the University will still be required to make the report to the Home Office. See 'Resuming your Studies' for further information.

Repeat without Attendance

If you are required to repeat without attendance you will be reported to the Home Office, your leave will be shortened to 60 days after the date of the report and you will be expected to either leave the UK or to have made an application for leave to remain in the UK under another sponsor or immigration category within 60 days.

Please send the Visa Compliance Team ( a copy of your travel bookings, as well as your boarding card once you leave the UK or a copy of your new immigration category.

Students who are required to complete an exam in the UK before they are progressed to the next academic year will be required to obtain a Visitor visa before they enter the UK and should not try to re-enter the UK with their Tier 4 visa/Student Visa at any point after a report has been made.

Once a report is made and you leave the UK this has the effect of cancelling your Tier 4 visa/Student Visa, even if you are still within the 60 day curtailment period. For further advice contact the International Student Advice team.

Full Repeat Year with Attendance

In exceptional circumstances students will be required to repeat with attendance in the UK. In this instance students will not be reported to the Home Office and their visas will remain valid.

This is usually approved when there is a strong justifiable reason for the student to repeat the whole year with attendance as recommended by the Assessment Board.

Partial Repeat Year with attendance

If partial repeats are scheduled outside your visa validity, but no later than 60 days from the visa end date, CAS sponsorship will be provided.

If partial repeats are scheduled more than 60 days from your visa end date, CAS sponsorship will not be provided.

Only in situations, where there are strong justifiable, reasonable and evidence-based reasons for you to partially repeat your studies with attendance as recommended by the Assessment Board, a CAS Sponsorship be provided.

In both cases, you are responsible to submit your relevant visa and UK address during that time to the Visa Compliance Team (


If resits [in person exams] are scheduled outside your visa validity, but no later than 60 days from the visa end date, CAS sponsorship will be provided.

If resits [in person exams] are scheduled more than 60 days after your visa end date, no CAS sponsorship will be provided.

Please note that students who have coursework resits without attendance are not eligible for CAS extension.

Re-submissions of dissertation - Postgraduate Students

Postgraduate taught students who are offered the opportunity to resubmit their dissertation may not be required to be present at the University and can submit online. Therefore, if your visa expires before you are due to submit their dissertation, the University will not able to issue CAS sponsorship.

However, if ECs outcomes are approved at the Assessment Board where there are strong justifiable, reasonable and evidence-based reasons for you to write your dissertation in the UK, or you have to use the lab/specific University’s facilities during that time, CAS Sponsorship will be provided. That is irrespectively when the dissertation period is (within 60 days of your student visa end date or later).

Students course end date has been extended (where teaching has been continuing)

If their course end date has been extended but still falls within the validity of your current visa, City would not sponsor you for an extension. If, however the course end date has been extended and teaching continues after your visa end date, CAS sponsorship will be provided.

Adding a Placement/Internships

If a work placement has been added to the course and as a result the course end date has been extended, a new CAS will be issued to cover this period.

Early Completion

If you complete your course earlier than expected or change to a shorter course of study the University will report this to the Home Office. You should therefore arrange to leave the UK within 4 months of your course end date OR make a new immigration application to stay in the UK within this time.

If you have studied on your current course for more than 12 months - The Home Office will take action with this information to bring forward the end date of your visa to 4 months after the new course end date. Students on courses of longer than 12 months are always granted 4 months on top of the course end date for visa purposes.

You should therefore arrange to leave the UK within 4 months of your course end date OR make a new immigration application to stay in the UK within this time[U2] .

Resuming your Studies

Students returning to their studies after a period of absence due to suspension, return following appeal or repeating will in most circumstances be required to obtain a new Student Visa. Students should contact their School Office to request a CAS and for further advice, contact the International Student Advice team.

Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) extension frequently asked questions.

How long will my new visa be granted for a CAS extension?

Type of course

Period to be granted after the course ends

12 months or more

4 months

6 months or more but less than 12 months

2 months

Regardless of how short/long a visa extension is, the additional period in the second row will be granted.

Example: Master degree programme (start 1 Sept 2021 till 30 September 2022)

The student has resits in March 2023. A visa extension will be given from the end of January until the end of March – The visa extension validity for the extension period will be + 4 extra months (new visa end date should be end of July 2023).

Do I have to pay the Immigration Health Surcharge again?

Yes, you would have to pay for the new visa application as well as Immigration Health Surcharge.

For more information, please check here.

I want to do my dissertation in the UK as I want to use the library. Can I get a visa extension?

Only if this is approved and recommended by the Assessment Board. After you have submitted an ECs and if they are accepted and there is strong reasons for you to stay in the UK and work on your dissertation, you can get a new CAS which will cover the whole period for the dissertation until submission.

My results will come out after my visa expiry date. Can you sponsor me to wait for the outcome of my degree and then to apply for the Graduate Immigration Route?

No, City will not be able to sponsor you for the period where you have to wait for the outcome of your degree.

Academic Engagement Records

City, University of London has a responsibility to record the academic engagement of Student Visa holders.

The Academic Engagement Policy relates to all taught City, University of London programmes where a student is sponsored by City, University of London.

This includes all UG, PGT and PGR students and those that are studying on a year abroad or who are on work placements.

More about Academic Engagement Policy

In addition to the requirements outlined here and within the Tier 4 students responsibilities booklets, further academic engagement requirements may be in place at School or Programme level. Where these are in place, they run in conjunction with the Student Visa holders requirements.

Academic engagement is recorded on an on-going basis by their School as well as Student and Academic Services. The academic engagement process has been designed to ensure that records reflects the cycle of the academic year and in order to ensure that any issues or concerns can be quickly and easily identified; and (where required) reported to the Home Office.

Students are expected to engage with their studies (via class register, Moodle, Count Me In card etc) at all classes, lectures, seminars and other academic events that are a compulsory part of their programme. In addition, students will be expected to demonstrate engagement by ensuring that they have their passport and visa verified at the start of each academic year.

Authorised Absence

  1. Students will not normally be allowed to be absent during designated teaching and examination weeks. During vacation periods there is no requirement for students to be present on campus, and there is no need to request an authorised absence during designated City vacation periods.
  2. The maximum continuous period of absence which can be granted without suspending studies is 28 calendar days. In exceptional circumstances, where appropriate evidence has been provided, City may consider authorising an absence up to maximum of 60 calendar days.
  3. Students who are granted an authorised absence will not receive a refund of tuition fees; nor will their expected end date of studies be amended to reflect the period of time away from their studies.
  4. In circumstances where a student’s absence is expected to prevent them from progressing on their current course, the School must decide on temporary or permanently withdrawal of the student. All authorised absences must be recorded on the student file along with any relevant supporting evidence.
  5. Authorised absence will only be granted to students who need to be away from their studies for extenuating reasons beyond their control such as:
    • Medical appointment/Ill health
    • Genuine family emergency such as death or serious illness of a family member
    • Visa immigration/nationality documentation reasons (e.g. you must renew your passport in your home country)*
  6. Students must complete the Authorised request form. Please include evidence of the extenuating circumstances that leads to the request. Please submit the documents in PDF format.

*This is not an exhaustive list and each request will be considered on its own merit.

Authorised absence will not be granted for events such as holidays or weddings during term time. Other non-urgent travel will not be authorised.

Off Campus Study

During your studies you may undertake off campus study for one of the following reasons:

  • Mandatory Work Placement
  • Study Abroad Programme
  • Data Collection and Research for your dissertation or thesis away from City

If you will be undertaking study overseas for one of the reasons above, this will not be considered an "authorised absence" as you are still expected to be fully engaging with your studies, even though you are not physically at City. We must be notified of any Off Campus Study before it starts as this will be reported to the Home Office.

For those undertaking a mandatory placement, that is an integral and assessed part of your course, or study abroad, your school will provide us with an Off Campus Activity reporting form confirming the details of your time Off Campus. The details of your placement or study abroad will then be reported to the Home Office.

If you will be undertaking Off Campus Study for data collection or research away from City, this must be directly related to your studies. You must complete an Off Campus study form in conjunction with your school and ensure this is submitted to the Visa Compliance team. We will then notify the Home Office. The Off Campus Study form can be found here.

Whilst undertaking off campus study, we are required to continue monitoring engagement with your course. You must therefore remain in regular contact with your school, continue to check your City e-mail account regularly and notify us if any of your circumstances change.

Action taken for unsatisfactory attendance

Where engagement concerns are identified a School nominee will contact the student. Once contact has been made the student will be required to attend a meeting with their Course Director or Supervisor to discuss the reasons behind the non-engagement issues.

If the student’s engagement does not improve following the meeting, a formal written warning letter will be issued by the Visa Compliance team outlining the conditions on which they can stay on the course.

Should there be additional concerns after this, the student’s case will be considered and if they are deemed to not be actively engaging with their programme they will be withdrawn. The University will then cease sponsorship of their visa and the student will be reported to the Home Office as not in attendance.

Visa cancellation frequently asked questions

Why has the university reported that I completed my course earlier than expected?

The University has a legal requirement to report any changes in an international student’s circumstances. If you complete your course earlier than the course end date given on your original CAS, the University must inform the Home Office.

When will the university report the earlier completion of my course?

The University will make the report within 10 working days of the new course completion date. For example, if your new course end date is 1 of January, the University must report this by the 10 of January, the latest.

How can I be sure that I completed my course earlier than expected?

You can check your CAS and confirm the original course end date stated on that document. If you completed your course earlier than that date, you have completed earlier than expected.

Can I travel before the report is made?

Yes, you can travel if you return to the UK before the report is made.

Can I travel after the report is made?

We strongly advise you NOT to travel once the report is made. This is because, if you are out of the UK when the cancellation is actioned (due to the report made) your visa will end immediately, and you cannot use it to return to the UK.

How will I know that my visa has been cancelled?

The Home Office will send you an email confirming your new visa end date and clarifying that if you are currently outside of the UK, your visa has ended.

They will send this confirmation to the email you used for your visa application.

If you need to update your contact details with the Home Office, you can do so on the website.

Update your UK Visas and Immigration account details

How long will it take for the cancellation to happen?

Unfortunately, there is no timeline for this as the Home Office has never confirmed it. However, they are now actioning the earlier completion reports faster than before.

Can I travel once the Home Office confirms my cancellation?

  • If you wish to use your student visa to remain in the UK (to apply for Graduate Route, or complete a resit, for example) then NO. We strongly advise you not to travel.
  • If you do not need your student visa any longer, you can travel whenever it suits you.

I have made travel plans before knowing that the report will be made, what can I do?

  • If you wish to use your student visa to remain in the UK (to apply for Graduate Route, or complete a resit, for example) then we strongly advise you not to travel and change your plans until you have applied for a new visa (whichever you qualify and want to apply for) and receive the outcome of such application.
  • If you do not need your student visa any longer, you can travel whenever it suits you. Please note that if you wish to return to the UK, you will need to do so as a visitor.

What will happen if I receive a cancellation confirmation and I’m outside of the UK?

Unfortunately, your visa will end immediately, and you should not attempt to use it to enter the UK.  You will need to enter the UK as a visitor if you wish to return.

Can I return using my student visa if I received a cancellation confirmation whilst outside of the UK?

No, you should not attempt to enter the UK with your visa as it will not be valid. You will need to return to the UK as a visitor.  Depending on your nationality, you might need to apply for a visa beforehand.

Can I apply for the Graduate Visa route after you report the early completion?

You can apply for the Graduate Visa route if you remain in the UK after the report is made and become eligible for it.

Find further eligibility criteria Graduate Immigration Route | Student Hub | City, University of London

When can I apply for the Graduate Route?

You can apply for the Graduate Route once you become eligible for it and the University has reported the successful completion of your degree to the Home Office.

Is the early completion report the same as the successful completion report?

No, they are not the same:

  • Early completion report tells the Home Office that you completed your course earlier than the original date stated on your CAS.
  • Successful completion report tells the Home Office that you have completed your course successfully and the degree that your CAS was issued for has been awarded allowing you to apply for the Graduate Visa Route.

When will you inform me that the successful completion report has been made?

This report can only be completed after the Academic Board for your programme awards your degree. It then takes about 3 weeks for the university to complete all administrative processes including the report to the Home Office.

If you want to know the date of the Academic board for your course, please contact the course office directly.

What can I do if I want to apply for the Graduate Visa Route, but my visa was cancelled whilst I was out of the UK?

Unfortunately, you will not be able to apply as your visa will not be valid to do so. If you return to the UK, you will enter as a visitor, and this does not allow you to apply for the Graduate Route as you can only do so from a Student Visa.

5-year Cap

Students are subject to a 5-year cap on undergraduate degree level study, which means the time that you can spend studying at degree level (Level 6) will be limited to 5 years. This is not applicable to Level 7 or above programmes (Masters and PhD level).

Sandwich Course

If you are studying a 4-year sandwich course (including 1 year work placement), the time you have spent studying in the UK at or above degree level are limited to 6 years.

Contact us

If you would like to speak to the International Student Advice Team, please telephone us on +44 (0)20 7040 7040.

Alternatively, you can contact us via Support@City.