GetHeard is your student voice platform to drive real change and see how your feedback is shaping university life for all students.
Published Monday, 20th January, 2025 in University news
GetHeard is your platform for telling City St George’s and SU what’s working well and what could be improved. You can see how your feedback is being addressed and used to create real change.
Take a look at the video below explaining the platform.
With GetHeard, you can:
- Share your university experiences, suggest new ideas or give praise, helping drive positive change at City St George’s
- Like and comment on posts, so the University and SU can see what’s important to you
- Track progress and see real changes in the “Together We Changed” section.
Access GetHeard and start driving change today.
When you log into GetHeard, you’ll be added on to two boards: one for your course and a University-wide board. Each board has private and public section where feedback is addressed and you can see how feedback is being acted upon.
GetHeard is available anytime, anywhere both online and through mobile via the Unitu app, which is available on the AppStore and Google Play Store.
Find out more on the SU's website.