Exam timetable
Please make sure you check the timetable carefully and regularly before your examination(s).
The examination timetable
Your personal exam timetable will be available on MyTimetable.
The site is designed to be intuitive and contains a comprehensive help section. We have also put together an introduction to MyTimetable.
- The May 2025 exam period takes place 5 -30 May. The timetable will be published here by 5pm on Friday 21 March.
- The August 2025 exam period takes place 11 – 22 August. The timetable will be published here by 5pm on Friday 25 July.
The examination timetable is subject to change. Please make sure you check the timetable carefully and regularly before your assessment(s).
Please see the Religious Observance information below if you have a faith commitments that prevent you sitting your exam at the scheduled time.
You may have other assessments that fall within and outside of this period, including coursework submissions. More guidance will be provided by your Course Office.
Find exam period dates for upcoming academic years.
Examination clashes
If you discover that you have two examinations on the same day, or an 18:00 exam followed by a 10:00 exam the following day, please inform your Course Office as soon as possible. They will liaise with the Examinations Office who will contact you before the start of the exams to confirm your arrangements.
Religious observance
There may be times during examination periods when the observance of your faith prevents you from taking exams at specific dates or times.
In cases such as these City will, wherever practicable, make alternative arrangements for you to sit the examination.
You must apply for special arrangements to be made in these circumstances.
For information on the application procedure please consult the Religious Observance webpage.
Exams outside the main examination periods
The Examinations Office organise some exams that take place outside main examination periods, or example the two-week MSc Bayes exam period in April. Your School may also run in-semester tests and practical assessments throughout the year.
Please note that many departments organise their own exception examinations. If you are unsure who is organising your examinations please consult your programme handbook or Course Office.
Exception Exam Timetables
Exam timetables for exams that take place outside main examination periods will be listed here as soon as they become available.