All members of City’s community are required to wear a face covering when inside University buildings, unless exempt. Find out how to wear a covering correctly and make your own.

Published Friday, 18th September, 2020 in University news

To help keep our City community safe, we’ll be circulating fresh air and opening windows wherever possible - please ensure you wear a face covering when inside buildings on campus unless you are exempt.

If you have a diagnosed condition or personal circumstances which mean you have been advised that you are unable to put on, wear or remove a face covering, you should let us know by completing this form and wearing a navy blue lanyard and exemption card. We will then provide you with the lanyard and card, which you can collect on campus.

What counts as a face covering

In the context of the coronavirus outbreak, a face covering is something which safely covers the nose and mouth. You can buy reusable or single-use face coverings. You may also use a scarf, bandana, religious garment or hand-made cloth covering but these must securely fit against the side of the face.

How to use a face covering safely and correctly

Government guidance states that a face covering should:

  • Cover your nose and mouth while allowing you to breathe comfortably
  • Fit comfortably but securely against the side of the face
  • Be secured to the head with ties or ear loops
  • Be made of a material that you find to be comfortable and breathable, such as cotton
  • Ideally include at least two layers of fabric
  • Unless disposable, it should be able to be washed with other items of laundry according to fabric washing instructions and dried without causing the face covering to be damaged.

Face coverings should not be shared with others. When temporarily storing a reusable face covering, it should be placed in a washable, sealed bag or container.

Disposable face coverings must be disposed of safely and hygienically – these can be placed in general waste bins and are not considered to be 'clinical waste' in the same way as used PPE may be.

Making your own face covering

A simple guide to making your own face covering is available on the Government website.

You can watch Kathryn Drumm’s masterclass that she filmed during Develop@City week, where she takes you through her process for making face coverings.

Making yourself understood while wearing a face covering

Abi Roper, Speech and Language Technologist at City, spoke to Sky News, offering her top tips on how to make yourself understood while wearing a face covering. She advises to:

  • Face the person you’re speaking to
  • Be patient
  • Speak clearly and naturally
  • Use body language
  • Point
  • Enact
  • Draw or write
  • Make use of voice recognition technology, if relevant.