The Transgender Awareness Week takes place on Sunday 13 November –  Saturday 19 November and aims to raise awareness about the issues the community faces.

Published Wednesday, 16th November, 2022 in University news

Transgender Awareness Week takes place between Sunday 13 November – Saturday 19 November and ends with Transgender Day of Remembrance on Sunday 20 November. It aims to raise the visibility of transgender and gender non-conforming people, as well as address the issues the community faces. The week is also for members of the community and their allies to bring attention to and educate the public on topics such as prejudice, discrimination and violence.

This year City is taking part by hosting a couple of events during the week:

The first event, A Conversation with Harry Nicholas, took place on Monday 14 November. Harry Nicholas is a writer and a gay trans man living in London and he spoke about the importance of supporting and amplifying queer, trans and other underrepresented voices.

City’s LGBTQI+ community will be leading an act of remembrance for Transgender Day of Remembrance on Friday 18 November. All students are welcome to join between 1pm-2pm in the Multi-Faith Room, Tait Building and online. Please register here if you would like to receive a calendar invite including the online meeting link.