Student Charter: We are City
What is the Student Charter?
City St George's, University of London is committed to providing an excellent education and experience for its undergraduate and postgraduate students. Our students are at the heart of our commitment to academic excellence for business, practice and the professions and we seek to support the successful achievement of their goals. Our community relies on a partnership between students, our City St George's Students’ Union and staff. Our Charter has been developed with staff and student input and outlines our mutual responsibilities and aspirations. It is not a legally binding document.
City St George's President and Students’ Union President message
This Student Charter articulates our aspirations and exemplifies the partnership that exists at City St George's, University of London between staff, students and the City St George's Students' Union.
City St George's, University of London provides a cosmopolitan learning environment across three campuses, Clerkenwell, Moorgate and Tooting, that is professional, friendly and inclusive. Enhancing the student experience is key to our success.
As a community we value and champion equality, diversity and inclusivity. All of our students and staff can expect to be treated with professionalism and respect and to have their welfare needs recognised and appropriately supported.
To enhance the student experience and student employability we seek to support strong student and alumni networks and to participate in relevant industry and professional networks.
The Student Charter outlines the commitments that staff, students and the City St George's Students' Union make to each other.
Our mutual responsibilities and aspirations
We are stronger and better, together. Our City St George's community is built on the strong partnership between students, our City St George's Students’ Union and staff. Our Charter has been developed with staff and student input and outlines our mutual responsibilities and aspirations. As members of City St George's, University of London we seek to act with consideration and uphold the principle of equality in our dealings with each other and externally. We engage with the local community in a positive manner and endeavour to create an atmosphere of mutual respect and appreciation at City St George's and beyond.
You commit to
Student Experience
- Participate in a welcoming, friendly and supportive community of international character, enriched by its diversity
- Treat fellow students, staff and visitors with respect and as equal and valued members of the City St George's community
- Utilise opportunities for feedback on aspects of the student and academic experience such as surveys, module evaluations, committees and forums
- Act as ambassadors for City St George's, University of London at all times on campus, in our community and in any public forum and after your time at City St George's
- Contribute to the student community through engagement with Student Representatives within the Students’ Union
- Behave respectfully towards our neighbours and in the local community
- Respect the physical environment of the institution and our local community, including all facilities provided
Academic Excellence
- Engage in all learning opportunities to maximise potential, including independent study and participation in lectures, seminars, tutorials, assessments, research and similar activities
- Make academic and professional work a high priority and take responsibility for evaluating your progress
- Make full use of the learning facilities and seek support and advice from the available sources when necessary
- Be familiar with the Programme Handbook, City St George's Regulations and Procedures and read correspondence from City St George's
- Act in accordance with the requirements and expectations set by appropriate professional bodies
- Maintain a professional attitude in attendance, preparation and conduct
- Embrace appropriate opportunities for professional and personal development that are provided by City St George's
Your institution commits to
Student Experience
- Treat students, staff and visitors with respect and as equal and valued members of the City St George's community
- Provide equality of opportunity for all, respecting differences including age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, race, religious belief and non-belief, socio-economic background and sexual orientation
- Encourage students to share their views constructively and engage in formal and informal opportunities to shape the student experience
- Act in a timely manner on concerns raised about any aspect of the student experience
- Maintain fair and transparent procedures for considering complaints, disciplinary matters and appeals
- Offer a comprehensive range of friendly, professional and helpful support services, including learning support and assistance with personal, financial and welfare issues
- Accommodate specific learning needs and/or disabilities through reasonable adjustments and support
- Provide accessible, cross-institutional, social and wellbeing activities for the student community and high quality sports and leisure facilities accessible to students, staff and the local community
- Provide students with information about expected behaviours
Academic Excellence
- Provide high quality education by enthusiastic academic staff and informed by world-leading research and enterprise
- Support staff and students in creating learning opportunities, enhancing academic practice and maximising learning potential
- Support innovative and responsive approaches within academic and research programmes that reflect the needs of students
- Ensure students receive accurate, clear, useful and timely information in support of their studies and broader experience
- Provide fair and structured assessments, along with meaningful and timely feedback, enhancing students’ learning and development
- Provide high quality facilities, technology and resources supporting academic programmes, research and enterprise
- Build on long-standing relationships with the City of London, industry and the professions, enabling our graduates to remain distinctive and competitive
- Develop partnerships and collaborations that strengthen education, research and employment opportunities for students and graduates
- Support the development of student and alumni networks and engage with relevant industry and professional networks to enhance the student experience and employability
- Provide the tools needed to enhance students’ employability through a high quality careers and information service
- Facilitate the incorporation of innovation and employability skills into the student experience
- Promote and support activities and opportunities within and beyond the curriculum that enhance students’ employability and personal development
Your Students’ Union commits to
Student Experience
- Advocate respect and equality between students, staff and visitors as valued members of the City St George's community
- Provide opportunities for students to develop as active citizens within City St George's and beyond through democratically determining the direction of their Union
- Represent the interests of students at local and national levels through democratic structures and provide opportunities to empower students to represent themselves effectively
- Support all students to ensure they receive fair treatment and are aware of their rights and responsibilities
- Enable students to engage positively with the local community
- Regularly engage with students and learn how their experiences can be improved
- Assist students with academic and welfare issues
- Host a range of inclusive activities and events open to all students
- Welcome students and assist them in their transition to City St George's and as they progress into employment or further study
Academic Excellence
- Represent the interests of students to ensure the maintenance and development of a high standard of learning and academic support
- Encourage and support student participation in educational quality assurance and enhancement through the election, development and training of programme representatives
- Provide students with confidential and independent advice and representation on any issues they encounter with their programmes
- Offer opportunities to interact and develop networks with students within City St George's and from other higher education institutions
- Continue to engage with the Career & Skills Development Service and through the joint promotion of annual initiatives and engage with City St George's departments and outside bodies to provide opportunities to improve City St George's students’ employability
- Support a range of clubs and societies to enhance personal and professional development and help students to develop their leadership skills in relation to their interests